Module 5
Medical Forensic Sexual Assault Examinations: What Are They, and What Can They Tell the Courts?

Components of the Medical Forensic Sexual Assault Examination

Understanding what a medical forensic sexual assault examination entails is crucial to understanding the value and limits of SANE testimony in a sexual assault case. Below is an overview of the examination process as specified in the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations.

The medical forensic sexual assault examination consists of:

Examination, assessment, and treatment of the patient’s acute medical needs, such as insulin for a diabetic or wound care
A detailed medical history
A detailed account of how the sexual assault was perpetrated which will guide the examination and evidence collection. For example, if the patient reports forced oral copulation the SANE will take swabs from the patient’s mouth to collect any suspect DNA that is present
Urine and blood samples collected immediately if patient reports circumstances indicating drug-facilitated sexual assault
Head-to-toe, front-to-back visual assessment of the patient
Genital and ano-genital examination
Evidence collection
Medication, treatment, and prevention options for sexual transmitted infections and pregnancy
Discharge and safety planning

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